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Institute of International Sustainability Development (ISD)
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SUSTINERI's background
The Institute of International Sustainable Development Limited (ISD) is a Hong Kong registered – Not-for-Profit entity – aims to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all by harmonising three core elements: economic growth, social inclusion and environment protection.
SUSTINERI: Latin for for Sustainability
In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Building on the principle of “leaving no one behind”, the new Agenda emphasises a holistic approach to achieving sustainable development for all…
Voices from internal advisers
How Sustainability matters in global perspective?
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Sustainer's Learning Platform

3 level of case studies to help you understand what sustainability is about and possibly earn a Master degree ( conditions and applicable fee applied ) from anywhere in the globe.

We connect governments, organizations, companies and communities to achieve environmental, social and economic development. Our actions shall persist over generation; far-seeing enough, flexible enough, and wise enough to support the 17 SDGs.

Our Webinars will connect you with and help you to engage with other stockholders to build and nurture relationships, build authority around your sustainability works.
About Us
Meet our Founding President
Prof. Thomas C. C. WONG 王象志
Adjunct Professor NJIST Senior Engineer (Textiles),
Fellows FBVCBS
Certified Sustainable Development Planner (CSDP)
Prof. WONG has over 30 years experience in the luxury fashion field. And over 20 years with the building industries with high end interior decoration. He focuses on Sustainable Development of Animals Based Industries, including meat, animal fibers fashion and pets industries.

What are people talk about Sustainability?
Does Sustainability matter?
May 12, 2020
If we don’t pay attention to sustainability today; sooner or later, we will fall into our own trap.

Prof. Karen Q Cheung
Executive President & Secretary-General, UNESCO HK Association
May 25, 2020
I am grateful for your wonderful course! Your tutors are the best, and I am completely satisfied with the level of professional teaching.

Dr. Mimi Tang
Retired President of KERING Asia Pacific
June 19, 2020
Knowledge changes a person; we contain knowledge like how a cup contains various types of drinks, thereby creating different beverages.

Prof. Thomas C C Wong
CSDP -Certified sustainable Development Planner
May 25, 2020
Sustainable development involves engaging in actions that are meaningful to society, enabling everyone to have a better life.

Simon Wong
BBS JP, President of HK Federation of Resturant’s & related trades. Chairman of Chamber of Food & Be verage Industry of Hong Kong
June 19, 2020
Basic skills are of great importance, without which all efforts are just like castles built in the air.

Dr. June Leung
Chairperson, BEXCELLENT Group Holdings Limited (Stock code :1775)
May 12, 2020
Sustainability is not a liability nor an expense. It is actually opportunity in disguise and it ties in tightly with corporate profitability.

Thomas Hui
CEO of theDesk. Hong Kong’s pioneering brand inn co-working space.
June 8, 2020
Everyone works together to advance sustainable development

Dr. Dennis Ng
BBS MH, President 2017-2020 The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong
Dec 22, 2020
As manufacturers, to uphold and promote sustainability is an obligation no one can decline.

Dr Shi Lop Tak, Allen
BBS, MH, JP President 2020-2023, The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong
June 19, 2020
Traveling mitigates misunderstanding across countries; it increases mutual consideration and empathy between countries and people, as well as the mutual understanding of each other’s cultures.

Dr. Y K Pang
GBS, JP Chairman of Hong Kong Tourism Board
Oct 5, 2020
林宣武金句:文化、語言、法規、當地禁忌、常識的差異;足以引起很多、什至不小的 不必要的誤會。我們都需要理解及尊重不同的文化 。Differences in customs, languages, regulations, local taboos, and everyday skills can often cause significant misunderstandings. That is why we should try to understand and appreciate cultural differences.

Mr Willy LIN Sun Mo, GBS, JP
Chairman of the Hong Kong Productivity Council
Oct 5, 2020
江穎敏工程師金句: 年青人要進一步幫助世界的可持續發展, 就要 Think Big 。這樣才可以產生更多的創新想法。 Young people who would like to make the world more sustainable need to “think big.” This will allow them to come up with more innovative solutions.

Ir Kong Wing Man Samantha
July 14, 2020
中國提倡「仁義道德」。 在醫療文化上,也是積極遵守「一個也不能少」的目標, 盡量為每一個病人作出努力。 但這意味着,在資源短缺的時候,可能支援會被分薄。 Chinese culture values humanity, justice, and morality. When it comes to medical culture, Chinese people also follow the “leave no one behind” principle, focusing on helping each and every patient. This also means that when resources fall short of demand, we must accept the fact that support to patients may be negatively affected.

Dr. KO Wing Man GBS, JP
Former Secretary for Food and Health
July 14, 2020
我們時時刻刻都在作出不同的選擇,而且我們的選擇從來都不會是單一及永恆不變的。 就算在相同的環境生活,都會有不同的需要,去配合每個人自己的生活方式。 所有選擇都會是反映經濟效益、環境意識和社會教育後的一種平衡效果。We are constantly making choices, and the choices we make are not singular and eternal. Even in the same environment and circumstance, people might have different needs due to differences in their backgrounds and lifestyles. All good choices made reflect a balance among economic consideration, environmental awareness, and the educational background of the people involved.

Ms Rose Ko
Chair of CMA fur products Committee
Sept 8, 2020
我們應該在不同的基礎、不同的條件下盡量去調整自己心態。在能力可及的範圍內,盡量去幫助別人。 Even under different circumstances and conditions, we must learn to adjust our mindset and try to help others to the best of our ability.

Aug. 4, 2020
把创新思维代入传统的工艺方面,发挥有用思维去做有价值的事。We should integrate an innovative and creative mindset into traditional manufacturing so that we can maximize their value.

Executive Director of German Pool Group Company Limited
Aug. 4, 2020
科技并不一定要 high tech。也可以是概念的创新。Technology doesn’t always have to be high tech; it could also be new and innovative concepts.

Dr. Sunny Chai , BBS
Chairman of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
June 19, 2020
金融世界平等,才可以持續地發展下去。 Equality will guarantee the sustainable development of the capital market .

李慧芬 Stella
June 19, 2021
可持續發展 就是從個人及家庭出發,擴展到公司;之後培養珍惜大自然的習慣,達到世界和平的目標。 Sustainable development starts from individuals and families and is subsequently extended to businesses. People develop the attitude of cherishing nature, realising the goal of world peace.

黃偉雄 Addy, MH
Sept 8, 2020
拍賣行最大的作用,就是讓文物有效地聚散。The primary function of auctions is to allow cultural relics to be effectively gathered and scattered. 金句-程壽康: 要拍賣出物品的價值,一定首先要有一個豐盛社會、國泰民安。 For any relics to be auctioned at their fair value, our society must be prosperous, and people must live in peace.

Kevin Ching
Chief Executive Officer, Sotheby’s Asia
News & Articles
News and Articles
AM730 碳碳雙層巴專欄 (weekly column)
利用植樹來抵消(offset)自己企業的碳排放,是一個比較低成本的方法。所以愈來愈多航空公司、石油公司及跨國企業等,都利用植樹來抵消部分自己企業所產生的碳排放。加上對公眾而言,「植樹減排」能夠形象化和視覺化,而且比較熟悉,甚至可以共同參與的方法,所以深受歡迎,至今不衰。 在碳管理上來看,植樹減排卻是一個頗高風險的選擇。理由很簡單,森林大火時有發生。最近一兩年,就見到美國加州及澳洲有大面積且不受控的森林火災。需知道美國及澳洲,無論在森林管理、防火措施、救火和滅火科技及資源,都是比較先進的國家,然而森林大火仍然是無法避免。 站在碳排放的角度來說,植樹之後,確實每年樹木的光合作用,會抵銷一定程度大氣層中的碳。但如果發生火災,這些被燒毁的樹木,不但不能繼續抵銷碳,而且大火的過程中,更會產生碳排放,且有可能比這些樹之前一直貢獻的「正碳」還要高。在這個高透明度的網絡世界裏,一旦企業所指定的樹林被火燒毁,或會令這些企業多年來的「正」碳存量就「清零」了。無論是站在數學還是管理學上來說,企業絕對要把這些碳「補(償)」回去的。 早前微軟(Microsoft)就已經承諾,在2050年或以前,就會把公司自1975年成立以來的「碳足跡」全部抵銷掉。如果這些抵銷裡面,是包含「植樹減排」的話,這個碳抵銷被「清零」的風險永遠存在。所以這個不可控制、不可預見的風險,是不符合風險控制的目標。而微軟這個決定,也深受類似的跨國企業關注,並漸漸成為一種壓力(peer pressure)。我們有理由相信,可能會愈來愈多的大企業宣布,將本身企業成立以來的「碳足跡」,在一個既定日期之前,全部抵銷。 房中大象 – 思思考: 很多學者及科學家,都不贊成用抵銷(offset)方法達至減排。大家都認為最實際及有效的,還是源頭減排。那為何還有這麼多企業,仍熱衷於植樹抵銷自己的碳排放? 科技愈來愈發達,但近幾年的森林大火好像愈發頻繁,愈發不受控制!為甚麼呢?
Book Publishing
The emergence of new technologies and self-publishing service providers has